緑字が vTuner Customer Service
個人情報は xxx の伏字にしています。
I'm using "DENON S-52".
MAC address is "xxxxxxxxxxxx".
I forgot the e-mail address and password registered in the vTuner.
Please Reset my account.
It appears that Mac address xxxxxxxxxxxx has an existing account to xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.com.
We can delete/clear Mac address so you can be able to create your own account.
Please provide with first station name in favorite list for security purposes.
Thanks for your answer.
The first folder name is "MYLIST" in the Favorites.
The first broadcast name in this folder is "181.fm - True RnB".
Please Reset my account.
Existing account was removed.
Steps to register:
1. Please play any station (using your device) prior to registering, your device will make itself known to our server after playing a station.
2. Visit http://www.radiodenon.com/setupapp/denon/asp/AuthLogin/SignIn.asp
3. Input your Mac address/ID# in 'Sign in with your ID#' It should be 12 alphanumeric keys (A-F, 0-9) without colons or spaces.
4. To add a station inside a favorite folder, simply click on "Heart +" button next to the station name.
5. To delete a station inside a favorite folder, simply click on "Heart -" button next to the station name.
I confirmed that the account was reset.
Thank you very much.